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Elements of Design:



Value is the lightness or darkness.  Value is changed by adding white (a tint) or black (a shade).  By changing the value along the surface of a form the illusion of depth can be created.  Value exists in both colour, and black and white.  To see and example in colour please visit the colour page.

A dorm room brightened by a creamy warm light. All of the surfaces have a rich texture. In the foreground is a comfy chair to sit and read. For storage there is a bookcase, a dresser, and behind that you can just see the corner of a desk. The books and binders are piled up. Posters on the wall and pictures on the window ledge mark the room as a personalized space.
"Dorm Room" possesses a large range of values.  There is a black shadow under the chair, a white area where sunlight hits the wall, and vast array of greys.  Note how the change in value creates the perception of a three dimensional space.

Principles of Design

Principles of Design

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