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Elements of Design:



Line is the path of a point as it moves along a surface or space.  Line can be physically drawn in as with the stroke of a pencil, implied  around a shape of a different colour, or suggested by dashes or dots with a directional movement.

a grey bricked fireplace with a roaring fire
The artwork  "Fireplace" uses a thick charcoal black line around all of the bricks.

A human girl whispers in the ear of a giant yellow and red dragon. The dragon lies around the mast of a massive sailing ship. On the deck the broad planks show the whirls of the wood they were cut from. The deck is bordered by a wooden railing. Stairs lead up to a higher deck and a golden doorway marks the entranceway to below deck. While the ship is sized for the dragon a treasure chest and a piano proportionate to the human can be seen. Portholes line the bottom of the painting reflecting blue sky and the pink and blue hued clouds of a fantasy world.
"Dragon Ship" has portholes in a horizontal line along the bottom of the picture.  The portholes are a good example of a large dotted line.  A multitude of small wavy lines can be seen in the grain of the wooden deck planks.



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