white unicorns flank the words artistic theory

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Elements of Design:



Texture is the surface quality as one perceives it.  Artworks have both actual texture and implied texture.  Actual texture is the texture that can be felt when the artwork is touched.  Paint can be applied so that it is smooth or rough and bumpy.  Media can such as cotton or sandpaper can be glued on to add further actual texture.  Implied texture is the way that we perceive a surface would feel if we could reach into the picture and touch it.

green grass and blue sky
This picture is a close up from "Iris Lake".  Through the painted sky and some of the grass the actual texture of the canvas can be seen.  The texture of the canvas is like a tiny woven grid of fabric.  Lower in the grasses the surface of the canvas is blocked out by the actual texture of thicker globs of paint.

A beautiful turquoise unicorn rears up at the edge of the waves. The unicorn’s hair is flung out in wild curves and spirals. Hoof prints mark the sand by the foamy wave going out to sea. Celtic knot work frames the picture.
"Unicorn Beach" contains a variety of implied textures.  The body of the unicorn seems silky smooth, the sand seems grainy, and the foam of the wave seems rough.



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